Suing Over a Nightclub Shooting
A nightclub is no place for a gun. Nightclub owners are responsible for ensuring guns do not get into their clubs.
Nightclub shootings are the Result of a Deadly Concoction of Guns, Alcohol and Partying.
Nightclub owners must take reasonable steps to prevent guns from entering their club. With adequate security measures in place, nightclub shootings can be prevented. Sadly, when we investigate nightclub shooting lawsuits, all too often the club negligently ignored their security needs. This results in nightclub negligent security cases. The purpose of these nightclub shooting lawsuits is to hold the nightclub accountable for the wrongful injury or death of the shooting victim(s). Although money will not bring the deceased back or make the injured healthy, it sends a message to the negligent night club owner.
Steps in a Night Club Shooting Lawsuit
Your night club shooting lawsuit will revolve around the foreseeability of the crime committed. It is a requirement that the negligent security attorney prove that the shooting in the nightclub was reasonably foreseeable. To do this, your attorney will:
Gather prior similar incidents at the nightclub, in order to prove notice;
Obtain the crime grid for the neighborhood, to see how many times the police have been called to the property;
Obtain witness statements from people present at the scene of the night club shooting;
Gather the crime victim’s medical records and/or death certificate, if applicable; and,
Obtain the police investigation file relating to the club shooting.
Once your nightclub shooting lawyer has determined that the incident was foreseeable, the case can proceed. (S)he will then:
Contact the negligent nightclub and obtain their insurance information.
Depending on the circumstances, your nightclub shooting lawyer may make a demand for the insurance policy limits.
If the demand is not accepted, your attorney will file the nightclub shooting lawsuit.
Once filed, the case begins with written discovery. This means your attorney will contact you with questions and requests sent over by the nightclub’s lawyer. Your attorney will also send discovery to the nightclub.
Next, your attorney will take depositions (sworn verbal statements under oath) of the nightclub employees and owners. This is the phase of the nightclub shooting lawsuit where the negligence case is made against the responsible club.
Expert witnesses will be hired by the Plaintiff and the Defense. We usually hire former police officers and FBI agents to serve as security experts. Once disclosed, these security experts will be disclosed.
The parties will then meet for an informal settlement conference, known as mediation. In mediation, the parties will discuss settlement of the nightclub shooting negligence case. If a number is agreed on, the case is settled. If not, the case will proceed to trial.
If the parties cannot come to an agreeable amount of money to settle the case, your negligent security night club shooting case will proceed to trial. At trial, a jury of 6 strangers will hear the evidence and decide if the nightclub was negligent in allowing the shooting to occur on its premises.
Questions About Your Nightclub Shooting Case? Speak with our Lawyers Now.
Call us for a free consultation at 888.375.9998.
Do I Have a Nightclub Shooting Claim?
Guns, such as this AK-47, have no place in nightclubs and bars.
Nightclub SHooting Victims: Do Not Remain Silent.
Nightclub shooting statistics reveal that all too often, night club shooting victims are young minorities, without access to the civil justice system. These are the kinds of victims who are unaware of their rights. If you or a loved one have been injured in a nightclub shooting, call us now at 888.375.9998 to investigate your potential claim. The consultation is free and we only collect attorneys fees if you make a financial recovery.
Guns and Alcohol are a Lethal Combination
We all know that guns and alcohol can kill you on their own. However, when you allow drunken patrons to carry firearms into crowded nightclubs, it is a recipe for disaster. This is precisely why nightclubs hire security, such as bouncers. These security personnel should also be equipped with hand held metal detectors. Each customer entering the night club should be pat down and scanned to ensure they are not hiding a gun. Unfortunately, we know that not all nightclubs are doing their job. We see news reports of nightclub shootings every week. As night club shooting attorneys, all too often we find that security measures were cut to make an extra buck. This is unacceptable. The only way to send a message to negligent nightclub owners is to file your nightclub shooting case. Do not delay -- your nightclub negligence claim is subject to a statute of limitations. This means you only have a certain amount of time to file your claim. Call us today at 888.375.9998 to learn more.